Cllr Peter Holmes has involved the local media in his opposition to the plans to make a very small selection of roads 20mph by a new development in Heath Ward.
He has spoken out to the Kent Messenger about the plans to make Fullingpits Avenue, Broke Wood Way and Bridle Way 20mph zones as the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) does not include some other local roads and indeed when the signs are erected for the 20mph zone, additional signage will need to be put up to advertise to motorists that they are now entering a 30mph zone where it is unsafe to drive at 30mph. Cllr Holmes has concerns that on roads such as Spicketts Way motorists will see the new 30mph signage and be encouraged to achieve that speed when in reality it is "completely inappropriate."
Further detail and the article can be found by following the link to the Kent Messenger below;…
Cllr Holmes continues to oppose these plans for residents and will follow this through in his forthcoming work with the Joint Transportation Board Committee over the summer.